Shenzhen Marketing Center

Fax: 0755-8611-0002
Business QQ1: Click here to send me a message
Business QQ2: Click here to send me a message
Address: Floor 2, Building 4, Huangjintai Property, No. 235, Xin'an Fourth Road, Bao'an 35 District, Shenzhen

Guangzhou Marketing Center

Fax: 0755-86110002
Business QQ1: Click here to send me a message
Business QQ2: Click here to send me a message
Address: 6th Floor, Comfort International Building, 313 Yanjiang Middle Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou


  • 1. SMS sending

After receiving the http request sent by the client, return the processing result in the form of xml. The format is:

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<returnstatus>status</returnstatus>------------ Return status value: Success is returned if success is returned, Failure is returned if failure is returned
<message>message</message>---------- Return information: see the following table
<remainpoint>remainpoint</remainpoint>---------- Return Balance
<taskID>taskID</taskID>------------ Returns the sequence ID of this task
<successCounts>successCounts</successCounts>-- Number of successful SMS messages: the number of successfully submitted SMS messages will be returned after success
Return to information prompt explain
ok Submitted successfully
User name or password cannot be empty The user name or password submitted is empty
The sent content contains sql injection characters Contains sql injection characters
User name or password error Indicates that the user name or password is incorrect
SMS number cannot be empty The called number submitted is empty
SMS content cannot be empty Sending content is empty
Contains illegal characters: Indicates that illegal characters that are not allowed to be sent are detected
Sorry, the amount you want to send is greater than your current balance When the payment method is prepaid, the account balance is insufficient
Other errors Errors in other database operations


  • 2. Balance and sent quantity query interface

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<returnstatus>status</returnstatus>------ Return status value: success returns success, failure returns failure
<message>message</message>--------------- Return message prompt: see the following table
<payinfo>payinfo</payinfo>---------------- Back to the payment method and pay in advance
<overview>overview</overview>-------------- Return balance
<sendTotal>sendTotal</sendTotal>---- Return total points when the payment method is prepaid
Return to information prompt explain
Return null If the query is successful, the corresponding payment method, number of accounts used, and total recharge points will be returned
User name or password cannot be empty The user name or password submitted is empty
User name or password error Indicates that the user name or password is incorrect


  • 3. Illegal keyword query

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<message>message</message>--------------- Return message prompt: see the following table
Return to information prompt explain
User name or password cannot be empty The user name or password submitted is empty
User name or password error Indicates that the user name or password is incorrect
Contains illegal characters Illegal keywords found
Does not contain illegal characters Illegal keywords are not detected


  • 4. Status report interface

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<message>message</message>--------------- Return message prompt: see the following table
Return to information prompt explain
User name or password cannot be empty The user name or password submitted is empty
User name or password error Indicates that the user name or password is incorrect
This user is not allowed to view status reports Insufficient permission level
parameter is incorrect Wrong parameter passed


  • 5. Uplink interface

<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<message>message</message>--------------- Return message prompt: see the following table
Return to information prompt explain
User name or password cannot be empty The user name or password submitted is empty
User name or password error Indicates that the user name or password is incorrect
This user is not allowed to view status reports Insufficient permission level
parameter is incorrect Wrong parameter passed

contact us

  • Address: Floor 2, Building 4, Huangjintai Property, No. 235, Xin'an Fourth Road, Bao'an 35 District, Shenzhen
  • Tel.: 0755-8611-2718
  • Follow us